Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Walking on Water

One of the most amazing feats that Jesus did was when he walked on the water towards the boat of the apostle amidst the large waves cause by strong winds on the lake. What is equally amazing was that he enabled Peter to do the same.

A mere man doing the same thing as the Lord, an act that defies explanation to the amazement of the other apostle Peter boldly stepped out of the boat upon the call of Jesus. As Peter slowly moved towards Jesus, all the while his eyes was set on Him, it was his sole desire to be with His Lord. But when He felt the strong winds blowing harshly against him, he momentarily took his eyes from his goal and glance upon the waves. This allowed the enemy to plant seeds of doubt upon him. The situation he was in terrified him, he saw what the world saw and he had accepted the worst probability of his fate. He looked around and then looked at himself. He must have asked himself in that brief moment, “How am I able to do this?” Slowly he began to sink the winds and the waves started to eat him up. As he cried, “Lord save me” Jesus lifted him out of the situation he was in.

Often times we go through situations in our lives that we are saddled with problem and struggle. These are like strong winds and waves that bashes against us, eating us up. We try to fight but it continuously overcomes us. Just like Peter, when he looked at his capabilities and the situation he was in, he resigned to the fact that he was incapable of handling the pressure. To think that, he was the one who boldly dared Jesus to allow him to be placed into that dilemma.

It is when we are focused on pursing the Lord and when all our effort is dedicated in attaining that relationship and fellowship with our Lord that all the struggles, problems, and pains seems to just pass us by.

We must then realize that it is the Lord who sustains us and lifts our feet on top of the waves and shields us from the strong winds...

Read the Story in Matthew 14:22-32